Phone 1.800.843.4242  •   •   711 W. Algonquin Rd., Arlington Heights, IL 60005            

Contact Ed Vileikis, Your Local Labeling Specialist!

Ed VileikisWeber has been in the packaging business for a long time and has the knowledge and expertise that you can depend on. We have printed labels and installed labeling and coding systems in just about every industry including food, beverage, pharmaceutical, medical device, craft beer, cannabis, chemical, durable goods, forestry products, household products, healthcare and so many more.

Ed can help you figure out the quickest, most economical way to get your products labeled or coded to meet your requirements. They have years of training and experience in the packaging industry and can help you avoid the pitfalls of bad labeling or coding decisions.

Ed Vileikis - 224-330-9198

Contact us using this form and we will get back to you right away with the information you need.

Contact Ed Now