We understand how important your packaging design is for your brand. To make sure we're producing exactly the label you designed, we have the artwork reviewed by our team of graphic specialists.
I recently had a chance to learn more about the Graphics Department when I interviewed our new Graphics manager, Joe Lozano.
What does the Weber Graphics Department do?
The team is made up of six graphic design and pre-press specialists with collectively over 40 years of experience.
This group handles label design, art file preparation, proofing, color correction, and plate-making for flexographic print jobs. Every new label, including artwork, goes through this department. They also handle some re-orders and label artwork updates.

(l to r) Annette Vanderwiel, Brent Mabe, Lee Butler, Annette Skwara, Kathy Puchalak and Joe Lozano
About three months ago, Joe was brought in to manage our Graphics group. He is a veteran to this industry with nearly 25 years experience in printing and design. When he is not doing the day-to-day custom order processing, he is designing labels for customers and our Marketing Department. If you're attending Pack Expo 2013 in Las Vegas, you will see several of his custom label designs in our booth!
"Working here has been fantastic," said Joe "The work flow has been most impressive. Weber's efficient stream-lined process gets label orders through the system quickly and with a huge amount of quality control."
Joe has a lot of experience in both pharmaceutical and medical labeling. He also enjoys pushing his creativity to explore new technologies.
"A new major label trend we've been seeing is interactive labeling, such as QR codes, SnapTags, and virtual tours that expand the customers' ability to engage with a brand," added Joe.
Joe is an avid Harley motorcyclist and car enthusiast and sees the connection between his hobbies and his design inspiration.
"Design inspiration comes from both traditional and modern graphic elements," Joe said. "For it to be successful, it should have both a familiar look/style that all ages can recognize, but a current and modern edge to make them relevant today. 'What's Old is New' still remains valid if you consider the resurgence of the classic muscle car by the Big 3 automakers. The designs are 60's retro with modern flair and technology. The Ford Mustang, Chevy Camaro, and Dodge Challenger are perfect examples of this."
If you're attending Pack Expo 2013 in Las Vegas, you will see several of his label designs in our booth. We'll share them in our show preview blog and video.
Coming Soon...
I'm excited to announce that I will be working with our Graphics department to bring our readers tips for label design. These future posts will be based on the department's advice and answers to questions they have received from customers.
If you have any questions about label design you'd like answered here, please contact us through this link:
Also, look for design quotes and tips in our new Graphics Pinterest board.