Labeling Innovations from Weber

A Passion for the Outdoors and Outstanding Coffee

Posted by Chris Erbach

Mar 25, 2019 3:47:17 PM

 Backwoods Grind Coffee Company Enhances Their Brand With Labels


About a year ago, Zack Kile and Jonathan Wilson were sitting in a coffee shop sharing some time drinking their favorite brew and talking about the future. Both have a common love of living the outdoor lifestyle and a good cup of coffee. That day they came up with the idea to merge both, along with a good old hard-work ethic, and it became the Backwoods Grind Coffee Company (

Backwoods-Grind-LogoLocated in the rolling hills in the heart of Mississippi, BGCC is just at the beginning stages of their growth. Co-founders Zack and Jonathan, along with a few other friends, have launched a coffee company that is dedicated to doing it right. Their main goals in founding BGCC was to create the best coffee company possible by combining the values of sustainability, the values of their Christian lifestyle, and the outdoors. They celebrate all those who work hard day in and day out so they can spend quality time in the outdoors. Zack and Jonathan are both avid hunters and outdoorsmen.

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Topics: coffee company, coffee labels, coffee bag labels

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