Labeling Innovations from Weber

The Past, Present and Future of Labeling Excellence

Posted by Chris Erbach

Dec 15, 2022 11:44:30 AM

90 Years and Just Getting Started

This year, we celebrated our 90th anniversary–a truly momentous occasion. As we interviewed customers and employees throughout 2022 as part of the celebration, one thing became clear. Labeling excellence starts with excellent service. Whether it’s how we treat our employees, how we support our customers or the technologies we provide, at Weber, we work in service to others.

Read on to explore some of the highlights from this year’s celebration.


Our Customers Are the Best–Plain and Simple

At Weber, we don’t look at our customers like a transaction, we look at our partnership as a shared path and at our customers’ success as our own. We were thrilled to hear what some of them had to say about us!

Jeremia Steves from Boar’s Head shared, “Great folks with great solutions–plain and simple. Weber has experience within the space and does a great job of connecting customers' needs with executable solutions.”

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Topics: Traceability Labels, Label Applicators, Labeling Systems, Digital Labels, Beer Labeling, Label printer applicator, 90th anniversary

Using Prime Labels to Sell Produce

Posted by Margaret O'Leary

May 9, 2013 4:19:00 AM


Labels are the perfect medium for informing consumers about the nutrition and ingredients in packaged food but they can also be the best place to share your story and connect with a consumer.

Here are a couple of ways that you can share your story with consumers, from the farmer's market to grocery store shelves:


Red-Grapes-labelReach out with QR Codes

QR codes work well on labels because consumers can connect with your brand at the store or even later after the purchase.

Scanning the code can direct the consumer to your company's website or a social media page where they can continue to connect with your brand by getting more information, coupons, special deals or other content that helps build a relationship.


Share your biography

Include a short story or summary on your prime label about the growers or producers of the food. Including a picture of the farmer or the farm also adds a personalized touch to the product's label.

In the example below, not only does the label include a picture of the farmer, but they also included a biography about their brand. This jar label will definitely sticks out at the farmer's market or the shelves of the grocery store.


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Topics: Traceability Labels, Labels, Digital Labels, Food Labels, Trade Show, Label Printers

Here's the Dish on Labeling Fish: 3 Solutions for Seafood Traceability

Posted by Margaret O'Leary

Mar 28, 2013 8:39:00 AM

fishing-industrySeafood consumers were surprised by the recent report from Oceana about seafood labeling, which uncovered widespread mislabeling of seafood nationwide, including the fact that nearly 40 percent of the fish tested from restaurant menus were mislabeled.

The report highlighted the weaknesses in current seafood labeling regulations and enforcement of rules. Because of this, the U.S. Congress is working on two bills, HR 1012 and S 520.

However, at this time it is unclear this early on if the bills will gain traction.

To learn more about this, I sat down with our Vertical Markets manager, Paul Johnson. Paul has been researching the labeling issues facing the seafood industries and how we can help them.

He explained to me that ultimately the problem comes down to the lack of specificity in documentation during seafood business transactions.

The more information these seafood companies can provide on their packaging or label, the better.

It is important that seafood packaging includes:

  • Harvest location, Date and Method (wild or farmed)
  • Expiration Date
  • Species, including market name and scientific name
  • Product count and weight

Seafood companies are working with several companies and organizations to ensure that the information on the package is accurate.


Here are three options seafood companies are using for traceability


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Topics: Traceability Labels, Labels, Labeling Systems, Food Labels

Label Design Tip: Make Your Label Interactive

Posted by Margaret O'Leary

Jan 24, 2013 3:15:00 AM

Use QR Codes to Connect with Your Customers

Quick Response Codes (QR Codes) are 2D barcodes that can be scanned with a smart phone app to bring a consumer to a website or some other piece of information such as a video or pdf. With more and more people using smart phones, QR Codes are a great way to connect with customers.


Here are a few tips to adding these codes to your label design:

  • Work the code into your artwork - Experiment with Color!
    You don't have to make your codes black and white! Just make sure the colors contrast enough for the app to read it. You can also insert logos to the the code. Contact our Graphics department about integrating a QR Code into your existing label design.
  • Give incentive to scan
    People want to be directed to contests, tips and videos about the product. If they find it valuable to scan, they will be more likely to scan your codes in the future and interact with the brand.
  • Test!
    Test your QR Code with different phones to make sure it works and quickly goes to the page you want. If the contest has an end date, make sure you utilize that page afterwards. Even though they can no longer win, don't send them to an error page.


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Topics: Traceability Labels, Labels

We’re producing labels for the Produce Traceability Initiative

Posted by Chuck Pullich

Jul 25, 2011 4:26:55 AM

By Chuck Pullich
Weber Prime Media Manager

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Topics: Traceability Labels, Food Labels

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