Labeling Innovations from Weber

Chris Erbach

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The Basics of Label Design

Posted by Chris Erbach

Jul 23, 2024 3:07:00 PM


Where do I start??

No one ever really thinks about labels (unless you are a label person like me!) Labels exist on products to convey information. Perhaps you have come across labels when shopping that either entice you to buy a product or confuse you about just what it is. Some labels work better than others. It's all in the design.

There isn't one perfect label design that fits everything, but a well-designed label hits several key points:

Clear communication: It effectively conveys the product information, including brand, name, and key features. Think easy-to-read fonts and clear hierarchy in what info is most important.


The primary function of a label is to accurately represent the product it is attached to. It is crucial to clearly convey what the product is, its composition, and the quantity contained within. Imagine the confusion if someone mistook a bottle of blue window cleaner for raspberry fruit punch! It is essential to make it effortless for consumers to identify the product and access any vital information about it.

This becomes even more critical when dealing with chemical or pharmaceutical products. In urgent situations, medical professionals or emergency responders require precise and concise details about the product they are handling.

To address this need, these types of products often utilize specialized extended text labels. These labels provide a comprehensive amount of information readily available alongside the medicine or chemical product.

Visually appealing: Product labels often are used to sell a product from the store shelf. It catches the consumer's eye with a design that reflects the brand personality. This could be bright colors for a playful product or a sleek design for something more sophisticated.

Brands strategically utilize color and design to stand out from their competitors on the store shelf. Consider the iconic associations we make with certain colors and brands - Coca-Cola with red, Tide with orange, and John Deere with green.

Sun-E-Daze-Beer-LabelChoose a color scheme and style that aligns with your brand identity. Your label can feature vibrant photos or intricate illustrations in a variety of colors. Incorporating innovative label materials like metallic films, fluorescent colors, and tactile laminations can elevate your product's visual appeal and make it unforgettable.

Consumers often make decisions based on visual cues, so make sure your label catches their eye before they commit to a brand.

Choose a font style that is easily legible from afar and incorporate your logo to firmly establish your brand identity. 

Functional: The size and shape of the label have to fit the product and the material has to be appropriate for the environment it will be in (e.g., waterproof for a beverage).

Cutting-edge label materials now encompass freezer-grade media that securely sticks in subzero conditions, specialized laminations resistant to chemicals to preserve label clarity, waterproof BOPP vinyl materials tailored for beverages, and robust durable label materials designed for outdoor or harsh settings.

Here's how these come together:

So now that you have the basics of a label, what else do I need to think about? This is where the artistic design part of the label comes in.


Consider the product: Food carries a distinct emotional resonance compared to, for example, a box of screws. What specific vibe do you aim to evoke with your label's appearance? Should it exude deliciousness or industrial functionality? Will it bring joy or simplify life? How do you want your customers to feel when they see it? Or does their emotional response even matter in the grand scheme of things?

A jar of jam might use a cute, colorful label with a handwritten font, while a bottle of high-end olive oil might have a more minimalist design with a focus on clean lines and earthy tones.Your new beer could embrace a lighthearted and witty persona, while a fresh laundry detergent exudes power and purity.

Strawberry Fields Labeled ContainerThink about the target audience: Consider the intended person who will be reading the label: Are you targeting a construction worker who values product reliability and durability, requiring the label to remain intact for an extended period?

Or perhaps a no-nonsense nurse in need of critical dosage information for a new medicine? A label for baby food should be clear, informative, and trustworthy, while a label for a new energy drink might be more edgy and attention-grabbing.

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Topics: Labels, Digital Labels, Food Labels, craft beer labels, cannabis labeling, coupon labels, coffee labels, cold product labeling, frozen food labels, freezer labels, chemical labeling, kombucha labels, pressure-sensitive labels, booklet labels

No-Mess Inkjet Coding Is Here!

Posted by Chris Erbach

May 2, 2024 10:17:52 AM


If you've ever utilized a traditional continuous inkjet system, you're likely aware of its efficiency in handling variable information such as date codes or product identification at rapid speeds. While primarily used for informational purposes, readability and scannability, especially for barcodes, are essential.

However, the downside is often the mess it can create. From potential ink leaks to clogged nozzle plates and resulting production downtime, the maintenance and upkeep can sometimes outweigh the benefits of high-speed printing and cost-effectiveness. It's crucial to consider the bigger picture.

HP CartridgeCould there be a better alternative to the constant downtime and maintenance? Enter Weber's Markoprint thermal inkjet systems, a revolutionary type of inkjet coder that utilizes HP ink cartridges instead of bulky ink tanks found in CIJ systems. These Markoprint coders come in various configurations, from single-head, stand-alone coders for simple date code applications to multi-head systems for coding both sides of a carton and larger prints.


So, what sets these Markoprint coders apart as "no-mess" solutions?

The difference is the HP cartridge.

Conventional CIJ systems depend on a large ink reservoir to provide the ink for printing, along with a separate make-up tank to dilute the ink and clean the printhead after printing. Any surplus ink and make-up are stored within the coder, necessitating shutdowns for refills when levels drop or the storage reaches its limit. Proper management of these potentially hazardous materials is vital, and the task of replenishing and restarting the system can be time intensive.

Prior to shutdown, a CIJ printhead must be meticulously cleaned to prevent clogs. If a blockage does occur, significant time and effort are needed to restore functionality. Depending on the type of ink used, this maintenance task can quickly turn into a messy and labor-intensive chore.


The Markoprint TIJ system stands out in its approach when utilizing the HP cartridge.  The cartridge has the flexibility to be filled with a diverse range of inks, proving its flexibility for various substrates.  The cartridge seamlessly integrates with the Markoprint printhead, requiring no flushing or cleaning. When ink levels run low, simply swap in a new cartridge to resume production instantly. With this system, there are no concerns about clogged heads, ink spills, or wasted time.  Each time you insert a new cartridge, it’s like having a fresh printhead. 

At the end of the day, simply remove the cartridge out of the Markoprint printer and place the cartridge clip on to the cartridge to avoid clogged nozzles with dried up ink.  By morning, your system will be good to go again. If you're switching to a different product the next day, just insert the cartridge with the appropriate ink to match your materials.

Markoprint coders offer a unique solution to avoid messy applications. Instead of only printing directly on products, we have discovered that printing on a label before application yields cleaner and more consistent text and barcodes. This approach eliminates issues with coding on wet surfaces in breweries or dusty cartons in bustling factories.

X1Jet-on-HSM-Dog-LabelsWeber Packaging offers optional mounting hardware to connect a Markoprint coder to one of their label applicators upstream before application. They also provide mounting hardware for popular Pack Leader label applicators. As a label passes through the Markoprint coder, the information is printed, instantly dries, and is then applied to the product or carton. The text or barcodes remain legible, and you have the ability to position the printed code wherever desired on your label.

Cost of ownership.

Concerns often arise regarding the higher cost of TIJ printers compared to traditional CIJ systems. However, when looking at the long-term usage of your new inkjet coder, it's crucial to consider the overall costs involved.

In a CIJ system, the major expenses come from purchasing ink and solvents, which can be quite costly depending on the ink formulation. Handling hazardous MEK solvents with care is essential, and the risk of spills leading to permanent damage is a real concern, potentially resulting in the need to repaint your floors.

On the other hand, Markoprint thermal inkjet systems use cost-effective HP cartridges utilizing water and alcohol-based inks. With each new cartridge, you also receive a fresh printhead, reducing the risk of clogs and maintenance issues. Over a period of one to two years in production, the savings from using HP cartridges become evident, making them a more economical choice in the long run.

The best way to explore total costs of ownership before purchasing or upgrading an inkjet system is to get a quote from a Weber specialist. They can give you a total cost comparison and ink usage costs for your usage. They can show you the iDesign software that comes with the Markoprint coder and explain the benefits of TIJ over CIJ inkjet. Contact Weber and learn more!

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Topics: Markoprint Ink Jet Coders, inkjet printers, no-mess inkjet coding, HP ink cartridges

Announcing a Strategic Partnership between Weber Packaging Solutions and Numina Group

Posted by Chris Erbach

Apr 2, 2024 8:55:14 AM

Revolutionizing Packaging Production: Weber Packaging Solutions and Numina Group Join Forces!

Numina Group Logo with Tagline 2022We've got some exciting news to share that is set to shake up the packaging world. Weber Packaging Solutions and the Numina Group have just announced a strategic partnership, and it's going to have a big impact on how businesses handle their future packaging production. Picture this: improved efficiency, increased productivity, and happier customers. Are you ready to dive in?

The Power of Partnership:
First things first, let's take a closer look at these two powerhouses coming together. Weber Packaging Solutions is a global leader in innovative labeling and coding solutions, while the Numina Group is renowned for its cutting-edge warehouse automation systems, using high-performance print and apply labeling systems that maximize productivity and profitability. Now, imagine the possibilities when you combine Weber's 90+ years of labeling expertise with Numina's 40 years of state-of-the-art automation technology. It's a match made in packaging heaven!


Enhancing Packaging Production:
So, you're probably wondering how this partnership will benefit you, right? Well, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. By harnessing the strengths of both Weber and Numina, businesses will experience a whole new level of efficiency and productivity in their packaging production processes. Say goodbye to bottlenecks and hello to streamlined operations!

Efficient Labeling and Coding:
Weber Packaging Solutions brings its extensive experience in label and labeling system innovation to the table. With their reliable technologies, businesses can ensure accurate labeling, even on complex packaging designs. This ensures brand consistency, regulatory compliance, and eliminates costly errors. Plus, Weber's labeling systems seamlessly integrate with Numina's automation solutions, making the packaging process smoother than ever before.

Seamless Automation:
Now, let's talk about the Numina Group's game-changing automation technology. Picture a fully automated packaging area, where robots effortlessly pick and place products, sort and stack boxes, and optimize the entire process. With Numina's expertise, businesses can significantly reduce labor costs, minimize errors, and boost productivity. By integrating Numina's automation systems with Weber's labeling and coding solutions, businesses can achieve a seamless and efficient packaging production line.

Customer-Centric Solutions:
In today's competitive business landscape, customer satisfaction is paramount. By partnering with Weber and Numina, businesses can deliver products faster, with improved quality control and accuracy. This means happier customers and increased customer loyalty. From e-commerce order fulfillment to retail distribution, this partnership has got you covered.

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Topics: Label printer applicator

Enhance Your Labels With Cast & Cure

Posted by Chris Erbach

Oct 9, 2023 2:00:24 PM



As a typical brewery, you are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to make your products stand out, whether it's in a retail setting or sold from a tap room cooler. A captivating label that distinguishes you from the competition is key to attracting attention and expanding your customer base. Let's face it, more often than not, a consumer's choice is influenced by the label itself.

While there are many ways to create impressive looking labels, like using metallic papers and exotic label materials, they tend to be expensive. And breweries are always looking to keep their label price at the magic <$0.10/label threshold. Right?

Weber Packaging recently started helping breweries use a simple, economical process to make their labels stand out. It might even get your customers to play with your label and show others.

It’s called Cast & Cure. It’s a cost-effective in-line process that creates a shiny reflective area on your label using UV coating and a specialty film. And it doesn’t really add much to your basic label cost.

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Topics: Labels, Digital label printing, craft beer labels, craft beer can labels, craft beverage labels, craft soda labeling, cast & cure finishing, Cast and cure finishing, label effects

Learn RFID Labeling Basics

Posted by Chris Erbach

Aug 3, 2023 2:36:08 PM


A Look at RFID - 101

RFID technology takes simple bar code labeling to the next level by imbedding information into a chip on a label that can be read with scanners quickly and in large batches, even while in motion.

Why is this important?

Imagine if you have a shipment of material coming into your warehouse on pallets. Instead of having to scan the bar code on each box, you can pass the pallet past an RFID scanner and it will read all the data on the labels on the boxes instantly. It’s exponentially faster than manually scanning each box.

Let’s start at the beginning. 


What is an RFID label?

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology uses radio frequencies to transmit data wirelessly for identifying objects affixed or implanted with tags or chips. These tags contain information about the object or merchandise.

An RFID label is a special type of label that contains a tiny computer chip and a small antenna built into an inlay that it sandwiched together inside a label.  The chip stores data, such as an identification number or a unique code, and the antenna allows the chip to transmit and receive radio waves.

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Topics: RFID, Walmart mandates, RFID labeling, RFID tags, RFID Basics

Food Labeling Made Easy

Posted by Chris Erbach

May 31, 2023 2:13:19 PM

Food labeling doesn't need to be hard.

When you put a label on your food product, there are many requirements to have it be successful

The label has to be accurately applied. Plus you need it to convey your message or the packaging requirements for your industry, and it should last the lifetime of your product. 

Food packaging comes in an ever-increasing array of containers and design shapes. This can be a challenge for small to medium companies with limited resources. Many times manufacturers are applying labels by hand which is very time-consuming and costly. But now there are automatic labeling systems of all sizes and types that can not only label just about any type of container, but they also are quite cost-effective.

Let's explore some of the many different styles of food packaging now available.


Food Containers and Labeling Recommendations

Top and/or Bottom Labeling

Cheese block fake label

A label is applied to the top, bottom or multiple sides of a product. This is one of the most common container shapes. It can be a box, clamshell, shrink-wrapped, pouch or any other flat-sided product where a label can be wiped onto the surface. Sometimes products are required to have a label on top for identification/marketing purposes and will need another label on the bottom with ingredient or nutritional facts.

Label Materials:  Weber offers a variety of labels to meet the demands of food packaging. Each material is selected to endure a wide range of environmental extremes from refrigerated to freezer/wet and humid storage. Plain paper labels work well for temporary labels while longer term labels need to be more durable like a BOPP or paper with a lamination for protection.


Labeling Systems: Depending on the required line speed, the Alpha HSM works great for one sided labeling, usually top-down. It can also be laid on its side to label sides of products. The HSM is a modular label applicator capable of high labeling speeds in a wide variety of optional sizes. The powered unwind and rewind keep the HSM labeling accurately and consistently at all times.

The Alpha Compact is a more economical version of a topside or bottom-apply label applicator. It is easy to operate and has a smaller footprint to fit tight spaces. Perfect for first-time labeling system users.

And the Pack Leader 211D is the right label applicator to use for top/bottom labeling. It comes with two ELF-20 label applicators mounted opposite each other on a built-in conveyor. This system allows you to label both top and bottom of a container in one pass.

And when you need date coding, Weber can supply their Markoprint X1-Jet inkjet coders. The system can mount right on your label applicator and uses convenient HP ink cartridges for no-mass coding. 


Wrap-Around Bottle Labeling

A label is wrapped around a straight-sided container like a bottle, jar or cylinder. Food containers for sauces, oils, salad dressings, and more can be labeled accurately and quickly at up to 40 products or more per minute. If your container has a taper, that can be handled with a different applicator that angles the label (see Tapered Container Labeling below.)

Pastorelli Vinegar Bottle Labels

Label Materials:  You can use a variety of labels to label your round container depending on the usage and storage. When picking a material, think about how durable the label needs to be. If the container holds oils, sauces or something that might stain or make the ink run on the label, you should use a gloss or matte laminate for protection. Plain paper labels work well for temporary labels while longer term labels need to be more durable like a BOPP or paper with a lamination for protection.

Labeling Systems: Most labeling systems are chosen by the label size and line speed needed. If you are labeling small containers with labels under 4" tall, the Pack Leader ELF-50 is a very economical solution. The ELF-50 is a portable tabletop unit that can be moved into production when needed. These are usually used with hand-fed production but you could connect to an automated line as long as you keep it to about 25-30 products per minute depending on product size.

When you need to go faster and perhaps use a larger label, the Pack Leader PL-501 is the choice. You can use labels up to 6" tall and apply them at speeds up to 40-50 products per minute. It is super reliable and easy to set up. The PL-501 is a staple in many food and beverage companies.

When you have a food production line that is all about speed, the Pack Leader PRO-625 can help you label at up to 130'/minute. The PRO-625 can do wrap-around labeling as well as one side and two-sided labeling of containers. The labeling heads can tilt on axis so they can be used with tapered or shaped products.

And when you need date coding, Weber can supply their Markoprint X1-Jet inkjet coders. The system can mount right on your label applicator and uses convenient HP ink cartridges for no-mass coding. 


C-Wrap (Clamshell) Labeling

Many food packaging operations are now using clamshell containers for bakery goods, pre-made meals, fresh produce, and much more. A long continuous label is applied to three sides of container. These are the standard labels used by many bakeries for clamshell labeling of cookies, doughnuts and muffins. The label is presented by the applicator and the clamshell literally runs into it. Brushes then wrap the label on top and beneath the container as it travels by. The label acts as a closure for the container. 

Blueberry muffins c-wrap label

Label Materials:  Most times, labels used in clamshell labeling are very temporary, usually only for a day or two. Paper labels are the economical choice here. Preprinted labels can be colorful and protected with a gloss or matte varnish for added durability, especially during shipment. Laminates are not used very often as this makes the container harder to open unless the label is perforated.

Small bakeries or food companies that use clamshells might be using preprinted labels that leave room for variable data to be added by a thermal transfer printer. This is usually when a small run of labels is needed or there are frequent changes in ingredients or nutrition facts. Often times these labels are hand-applied.

Packleader 211CS label applicator

Labeling Systems: The best option for a clamshell labeling system is the Pack Leader PL-211CS which is specifically designed to apply labels on three sides of a product. The PL-211CS is built for a diverse range of container sizes is fast and easy. The standard one-touch screen and label sensors make it simple to adjust for various labeling applications. And, with the manual position setting, your labels are placed accurately on the product, each and every time. 

If you need date coding, Weber can supply their Markoprint X1-Jet inkjet coders. The system can mount right on your label applicator and uses convenient HP ink cartridges for no-mass coding. 


Recessed Lid Labeling

A wide variety of today's pre-packaged foods come in clear plastic containers that have recessed lid for added strength. Foods like prepared salads, sauces, produce, spices, dips, soups and more find their way into these containers. It can sometimes be tricky to get your label automatically applied correctly as it has to reach into the recess to stick and adhere to the package. 

Strawberry Fields Labeled Container

Label Materials:  Clear plastic containers often contain fresh products that need refrigeration or freezing.  And the labels are usually the main branding POS labels for the product. You want to make sure your labels not only look fantastic, but will stand up to the low temperatures and moist conditions found in these environments.

If your food products are dry and will be stored in room temperature, you can go with a paper label but I would recommend a lamination for durability. You want that label to keep looking great to attract a buyer's attention. 

If your products will see cold temps and moisture, I would recommend a vinyl or BOPP material that is made for cold temps and is moisture-resistant. Small quantities of either of these label types would benefit from digital label printing while larger runs of 10,000 or more would be more cost-effective being run on a flexo press.


Labeling Systems: Weber has two Alpha label applicators that work well for recessed labeling. The only real considerations are speed and price. The Alpha Compact is a more economical choice for top-down recessed labeling of these kind of containers. It has a small footprint and can label up to 164' per minute. An extended peeler plate allows the Alpha Compact to reach very close to the recess and get the label affixed.

The Alpha HSM is a modular high-speed label applicator that can apply labels up to 164 feet/minute. One of the unique features of the HSM is that you can hook up two Alpha HSM label applicators in tandem for zero downtime labeling. When one system runs out of labels, the other system automatically kicks in and seamlessly begins labeling where the other HSM left off. The powered servo drive unwind and rewinders increase labeling accuracy.

If you need date coding, Weber can supply their Markoprint X1-Jet inkjet coders. The system can mount right on your label applicator and uses convenient HP ink cartridges for no-mass coding. 


Pouch Labeling

With the invention of the stand-up pouch, suddenly many products previously packaged in boxes now have a new high-tech home. Pouches, mainly made of plastic derivatives and recyclables, are often pre-printed. But many manufacturers use a generic branded pouch and call out contents on a colorful front label, usually accompanied by an ingredients/nutrition value label on the back. Pouches need to be labeled empty, before filling unless using special equipment.

Pistachio pouch bag label 

Label Materials:  Pouch labels need to have a little give so that they stretch when the pouch is filled. BOPP or vinyl film labels work best as they adhere well and adjust themselves when the pouch expands. Paper labels can be used but often run into problems if the pouches are bulging.




Label Materials:  Pouch labels have to have a little give so that they stretch when the pouch is filled. BOPP or vinyl film labels work best as they adhere well and adjust themselves when the pouch expands. Paper labels can be used but often run into problems if the pouches are bulging.


Labeling Systems: For entry-level pouch labeling, the Pack Leader ELF-20 is best. It has a small footprint and can be easily moved out of the way between packaging runs. When combined with a shuttle feeder, pouches can be automatically loaded onto the conveyor for labeling. Speeds up to 30-40/minute.

The Alpha Compact is the next choice for top-down pouch labeling. It has a small footprint and can label up to 60 pouches/minute depending on the speed of the shuttle feeder and label size. A wipe-down brush affixes the label to the pouch for better adhesion. It's easy to set-up and run.

The Alpha HSM is a modular high-speed label applicator that can apply labels up to 164 feet/minute. Combined with a high-quality shuttle feeder, this system can crank out accurately-labeled pouches quickly all day long. One of the unique features of the HSM is that you can hook up two Alpha HSM label applicators in tandem for zero downtime labeling. When one system runs out of labels, the other system automatically kicks in and seamlessly begins labeling where the other HSM left off. The powered servo drive unwind and rewinders increase labeling accuracy.

If you need date coding, Weber can supply their Markoprint X1-Jet inkjet coders. The system can mount right on your label applicator and uses convenient HP ink cartridges for no-mass coding. 


Tapered Container Labeling

Labeling tapered containers can be tricky. We have all seen and used these product that come in the little tubs, often used for dips, sauces, seasonings, dairy products, produce and more. The containers usually have a top label (see recessed labeling above) and a side label. The tricky part is the side label. Because the container is tapered, it has a smaller circumference around the bottom than the top.

For a label to lay flat correctly and look level, the printed label needs to be curved. We call it a smiley label since it looks like a smile! When put on a taped container correctly, it follows the outside shape perfectly.

Label Materials:  Since these labels are usually temporary, lasting 30 days or less, they can be either laminated paper labels or BOPP/film labels for more durability. Many times these containers are refrigerated so they need protection from the moisture and cold. Both types of labels work well with the plastic containers. Just be sure to get the specifications of the taper on your container and give it to your label printer as they need to match the curves for a successful match.


Labeling Systems: The Pack Leader PRO-625 is the best choice  for consistency labeling tapered containers. With the PRO-625, labeling for a diverse range of containers is fast and easy – regardless of size or shape. The standard one-button teach product and label sensors make it simple to adjust for various labeling applications. And, with the manual position setting, your labels are placed accurately on the product, each and every time.

The PRO-625 has label heads that tilt on a 12-degree x-y axis, the PRO-625 even works well for tapered or shaped products. The label count feature lets you precisely track progress at any point during the production run. Chain aligners center your product before entering top hold-down controls that keep the product in place.

Did we cover everything?

I doubt it but that should cover 95% of the containers used in the food industry today. If you have something not mentioned or would like to talk about how we can help label your food items, contact us today at or use the free sample offer below. New Call-to-action

Weber Packaging Solutions has over 90 years of experience helping customers label their food products successfully. We can help you get the right labeling system, the best labels for the application, and back it with expert customer service to keep your production lines rolling.

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Topics: Label Applicators, Labeling Systems, Food Labels, Label printer applicator, food safety, food labeling systems, freezer labels

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